Study Club

Intensive research has shown that functional appliances can be very effective in improving the functional and skeletal problems when utilized in the mixed dentition in growing patients.

Dr. Garcia feels that clinicians must become proficient in the use of functional appliances as well as fixed appliances in the mixed dentition, so that many of the orthodontic problems may be prevented or eliminated. Diagnosis is the key to success. Intensive research has shown that functional appliances can be very effective in improving the functional and skeletal problems when utilized in the mixed dentition in growing patients. The utilization of these appliances can also help develop the dental arches and thus reduce the necessity for extraction of permanent teeth.

Dr. Garcia’s program will stress proper records and the diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic problems in the mixed dentition utilizing both functional and fixed appliances. He has developed a nonsurgical approach in adult Class III with great success and Class II adults with ARS and Twin Block modified by Dr. Gene Williamson, Dr. Duane Grummons and Dr. William Clark. With his experience in trouble shooting cases, he will help doctors resolve most clinical problems and treatment concerns.

Study Group Features

  • A 1.5 hour lecture at each study club date.
  • Diagnosis, treatment planning and troubleshooting of cases. Study Club members may also mail problem cases to Dr. Garcia for evaluation (at no charge).
  • Optional online study club annual membership

The Existing Orthodontic Study Clubs Mentored by "Coco" Garcia include:

  • Trouble Shooting Cases:
    • All techniques
    • All problems
  • Follow up Support 2 to 3 times per year in the city of your choice
  • 1 to 1.5 hour lecture update to each class
  • In the following cities Canada wide:
    • Halifax, Nova Scotia
    • Montreal, Quebec
    • Toronto, Ontario
    • Winnipeg, Manitoba
    • Calgary, Alberta
    • Edmonton, Alberta
    • Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Penticton, British Columbia
  • Costs $425 (U.S./Day)

View our full calendar of courses and study clubs for current dates. Register with International Straight Wire and Orthopedic Seminars.

Session I - Day One

  1. Diagnosis Key to Success - 94.6% Precise
  2. Application of System
  3. Modified Cephalometrics
    (New Personalized Ceph Software)
    • McNamara
    • Modified Harvold
    • WITS
    • Formula Garcia's Modified
    • Lab Excersises
    • Baccetti New Modification
  4. Bracket System - Elite, Illusion, The Straightwire Appliance Neolucent
  5. SLB Carriere LX Bracket/Archwire Sysem
    Special Arches Used
  6. Archwires
    • .012 Stainless Steel
    • .020 Stainless Steel
    • .016 x .016 Stainless Steel
    • .019 x .025 Stainless Steel
    • .014 Nitanium
    • .018 Nitanium or Stainless Steel
    • .017 x .025 Nitanium
    • .019 x .025 Nitanium
    • Pre-Torque Arches
    • New Braid 8 - Super Elastic

Session I - Day Two

  1. Uses of Expansion Appliances
    • Schwartz Appliance
    • Split Plate
    • Bonded Hyrax - Rapid Palatal Expansion - Mixed Dentition
    • Haas Appliance - Rapid Palatal Expansion - Permanent Dentition
    • Trans-Palatal Arch - CNA
    • Nitanium Expanders/Rotators Fixed - When/Why
    • Modified Pendulum Appliance
    • Transforce Transverse/Sagittal
    • Carriere Distalizer Option
  2. Class I Malocclusion
    • Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Mechanics
    • Extractions - When Indicated
    • Non-extraction
    • Mixed/Permanent Dentition
    • Non-Surgical Protocol

Session II - Day One

  1. Class II Malocclusion
    • Diagnosis Treatment Planning and Mechanics - Timing
    • Uses of Expansion Splints - Selection of Posterior Pads
    • Extraction vs. Non-Extraction
    • Non-Extraction
    • Distalizing Appliance - Carriere Distalizer
    • Non-surgical Protocol
    • Elastics/Twin Force
  2. No Head Gear - Why

Session II - Day Two

  1. Uses of Modified Functional and Orthopedic Appliances
    • Precise Timing
    • Twin Blocks - Williamson - ARS
    • Twin Force
  2. Basic Utility Arch/Intrusive
    • .016 x .016 Square Wire
    • Indications and contra-inditcations
    • 6 Basic Utility Arches (mixed and permanent dentition)
    • Lab Exercises
  3. CNA Intrusive Arch
    • .016 x .022
    • Uses to Start/Finish
  4. Posted Arches
    • Replace loops for closing spaces
    • Active tie backs

Session III - Day One

  1. Class III Malocclusion
    • Diagnosis Treatment Planning and Mechanics
    • Precise Timing
    • Reverse Face Mask - Mixed Dentition/Adult
    • Extraction vs. Non-Extraction
  2. Adult Orthodontics
    • Extraction (why no loops used)
    • Non-Extraction
    • Uses of Functional Appliances
    • Uses of Orthopedics with Straight Wire in Class II & III
    • Non-surgical Approach

Session III - Day Two

  1. Uses of Posted Arches
    • Lab Exercises
    • Detorquing Arch
    • Detorquing with curve
  2. Finishing Auxillary Arches
    • Use of .017 x .025 and .020 wires
    • Uprighting Molars
    • Regaining Space
    • Root Kick Cuspid
    • Use of .016 x .016 wires
    • Double Helix
  3. Retention
    • Hawley Retainer
    • Elastodontic
    • Lingual Fixed Bonded Retainer
    • Indications and contra-indications
    • Patient Instructions
    • RMR (removable mandibular retractor)


September, 2024
September 8, 2024 -
September 8, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club-Gibbs(was Lekas)
September 9, 2024 -
September 9, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club - McFarland
September 10, 2024 -
September 10, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club-Muntwyler
September 11, 2024 -
September 11, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club - Rondilla
September 14, 2024 -
September 14, 2024
Penticton, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club-Penticton
September 15, 2024 -
September 15, 2024
Vancouver, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club-Group I Vancouver
September 16, 2024 -
September 16, 2024
Vancouver, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club-Group II
September 17, 2024 -
September 17, 2024
Calgary, CanadaStudy Club
Dr. Au
September 24, 2024 -
September 24, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club Toronto Group 1
September 25, 2024 -
September 25, 2024
Toronto, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club- Group II
September 28, 2024 -
September 28, 2024
Halifax, CanadaStudy Club
Study Club- IAO

October, 2024
October 14, 2024 -
October 17, 2024
Madrid, SpainStudy Club
Study Club
October 21, 2024 -
October 22, 2024
Bilbao, SpainStudy Club
Study Club

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